Services Myrna Offers
Remote sessions available via phone or Zoom. To receive a treatment remotely, please book now.
Quantum Blueprint

Facilitation of this modality is to mentor, navigate and ignite your truest soul source purpose. We go in and communicate in a safe space and open up what has been suppressed through thought patterns, past blockages, and turn up your volume that’s been suppressed or buried below.
This work is for readiness of being in self-optimal potential. Be prepared to do the work internally and get out of your way and dependency of others. You are your true compass.
Myrna’s wisdom, intuition, and enthusiastic approach will elevate you to your next level.
Multidimensional Therapy

Multidimensional Therapy is a purposeful, eclectic energy blend of Reiki, sound healing, toning, voice activation, and light language with intuitive emotional and body scanning.
The light language activation awakens the light and energy source within you and your higher wisdom. This language has been known to transmute old patterns and paradigms that no longer serve your higher self. It is a way-maker for anchoring the 5th Dimensional Light Body while living from the heart space.
Craniosacral Therapy

A light-touch, whole-body treatment technique that works with the body’s craniosacral system to support and nourish the central nervous system — improving overall health and well-being. A complementary method of hands-on bodywork; works with the natural and unique rhythms of the different body systems to pinpoint and address problem sources. Helps to alleviate the aches, pains and strains of life; improves coping mechanisms to allow for better management of stress. Improves the body’s ability to self-care; can produce profound, positive changes.
Integrated Energy Therapy

Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET®) is an energy therapy system developed by Stevan Thayer that gets the “issues out of the tissues” for good. IET techniques clear and rebalance the body’s cellular memory of energy blockages and imbalances that have been suppressed within the body, mind, and spirit.
These imbalances and blockages can be a result of traumas, injuries, surgeries, diseases, stress and fear since birth. IET assists in the release of old energy patterns and promotes the self-healing process. IET Sessions are also available for your dogs and cats.
Myrna Triano is certified in all IET Levels including Master Instructor.
Intuitive Readings

A connection with your energy field delivers intuitive intelligence to guide you in all facets of your life.
Readings are uniquely guided by higher source and can be interactive.
This is not the traditional way of reading. The actual energy and channeling is driven by both client and reader. I expand on what is obvious, which also awakens your knowing to trigger memories or patterns. Spirit guides come in and let me know what is happening.
Readings Available:
3 Cards • Full Moon Reading • Yearly Forecast (with start on November for the following year)
Space Clearing & Gridding

An energy clearing technique is used to cleanse and raise the vibration of your home or work area.
Lower energies from the past can still reside and disrupt the flow of higher vibrational energy flow. Just like when your mind builds up clutter, you go on vacation to clear. A home clearing is more like fall and spring cleaning.
Integrated Energy Therapy techniques along with sound and light language transmute and clear the spaces for a higher vibration and flow.
Children are the best indicators of these energies, because the veil is thin for them. Lets create a safe healing environment.
Disclaimer For All Services
The services of TriAngelRivers, LLC are not a substitute for physical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. Bodywork, Craniosacral Therapy and Healing Sessions are not intended to replace your doctor or any other healthcare professional. TriAngelRivers,, LLC services harmonize with conventional medical treatments.