Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) Classes

Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET®) is an energy therapy system developed by Stevan Thayer that gets the “issues out of the tissues” for good. IET techniques clear and rebalance the body’s cellular memory of energy blockages and imbalances that have been suppressed within the body, mind, and spirit.
These imbalances and blockages can be a result of traumas, injuries, surgeries, diseases, stress and fear since birth. IET assists in the release of old energy patterns and promotes the self-healing process.
IET Basic Level
Students receive a special Basic Level “energy attunement” that will permanently open your energy field to the power of Integrated Energy Therapy® Basic level ray. The Basic Level attunement expands, realigns, and restructures the 1st pair (physical) and 2nd pair (emotional) of your 12 Strand DNA. Once attuned to the Basic Level IET Ray, students will clear cellular physical and emotional energy blockages from the cellular memory and leave in their place positive physical and emotional energy imprints.
9:30am to 5pm
One-on-one class, or classroom setting up to 4 max at TriAngel Rivers LLC
IET Intermediate Level
Students receive a special Intermediate Level “energy attunement” that will further open your energy field to the power of Integrated Energy Therapy® Intermediate Level ray. The Intermediate Level attunement expands, realigns, and restructures the 3rd pair (mental) and 4th pair (karmic) of your 12 Strand DNA. Once attuned to the Intermediate Level IET Ray, you will have the ability to pull physical, emotional, mental, and karmic energy imprints out of the human energy field and leave in their place a positive energy imprint. This class is the next step in the Integrated Energy Therapy® training system and it builds on all of the knowledge and techniques learned in the Basic Level training.
Completion of IET Basic Level Class
9:30am to 5pm
One-on-one class, or classroom setting up to 4 max at TriAngel Rivers LLC
IET Advanced Level
The Advanced Level attunement expands, realigns, and restructures the 4th pair (soul profile) and 5th pair (soul cluster) of your 12 Strand DNA. This class builds the tools, attunements, knowledge and techniques from your the knowledge and techniques learned in the Basic and Intermediate Level trainings. While the Basic and Intermediate Level classes are focused on clearing cellular memory and the human energy field, the Advanced Level training is focused on helping you live your soul’s mission and bringing your dreams alive. Prerequisite is the completion of IET Basic Level & Intermediate Level Class. Work at the 4th pair (genetic soul profile) and 5th pair (soul cluster) of the 12 Strand DNA provides students with the ability to discover your soul’s mission and attract members of your soul’s cluster to help you live your soul’s mission and bring your dreams alive.
Completion of IET Intermediate Level Class
9:30am to 5pm
One-on-one class, or classroom setting up to 4 max at TriAngel Rivers LLC
IET for Kids
Students receive a special Basic Level“ energy attunement” that will further open your energy field to the power of Integrated Energy Therapy® This class will allow children to learn about angelic energy, non – touch heat link like a “super soaker” to energize cellular memory, and use pendulums to measure energy and clear energy blocks all in a safe and fun environment. While attending this workshop, the children will build their own pendulums, draw a picture of their angel, play energy games, and learn to clear basic energy blocks. A fully illustrated workbook and certificate is provided with this class.
All IET Classes are held in person at Triangelrivers, LLC.
Class sizes range from 2 – 6 students.
Energy Exchange $55.00
One-on-one class, or classroom setting up to 4 max at TriAngel Rivers LLC
If you wish to have a private class, please contact Myrna.
The IET for Pets class was developed for people with pets as well as people without pets who love animals. Our objective in designing this class was to focus on cats, dogs, and horses and to teach how to offer a complete Basic Level IET session to these wonderful creatures. The cellular memory in animals is, in some ways, similar to that of human beings, but is in many ways different. This class explores the soul’s mission of these three types of pets (through information channeled from Angel Ariel), details their nine cellular memory areas, their IET integration points, and the complete step-by-step session procedures. Only IET Master Instructors are authorized to teach this class.
This class is designed to be taught in one day, and typically runs 4 to 5 hours (half a day). The actual length and times of class vary by individual instructor.
Students must complete the Basic Level Integrated Energy Therapy® training class in order to take this class.
Contact me to schedule your half day class in Person or by Zoom.